
5 Rights in the Workplace You Might Not Know You Have

Are you enjoying the time you spend at work, or is it something you do to keep a steady income and be able to provide for your family? No matter what the answer is, you should know that as an employee in the state of California, your rights are protected by the state laws. Listed below are 5 rights that you probably didn’t know you have in your workplace. The Right To Work in a Safe Working Environment No matter what your job description is, you are entitled to work in a safe working environment, free from hazards and other dangers. If this changes at any points, you are to let your superiors know of it. If they don’t do anything about it, you have every right to contact Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in California and seek their help in solving this “problem”. If by any chance you end up receiving an injury at your workplace, you will be entitled to workers’ compensation. Speak with a Los Angeles Employment Litigation Attorney , and learn how you can pro